What to Expect

What to expect

What to expect

During your first appointment at Verona Chiropractic the Doctors will take a complete health history and perform a physical examination and evaluation of your individual problem. A consultation on your specific diagnosis will follow, along with a discussion of treatment options including if chiropractic care is right for you. Dr. Tara, Dr. Lindsey and Dr. Bailey will listen to all of your health concerns and answer any questions before moving forward with care. They will also work in combination of other healthcare providers to ensure you are receiving the best care possible.

In addition, Dr. Tara, Dr. Lindsey and Dr. Bailey will counsel you on these other important factors: posture, sleep, rehabilitative exercise, nutrition and stress management. Addressing all facets of your health will speed your recovery and lead you on a path of optimal health and wellness.

Dr. Tara, Dr. Lindsey and Dr. Bailey understand that everyone’s body will respond differently to care. They will evaluate your individual needs and recommend care appropriate for you.